Alumawood Lattice


  • Profile photo
  • Dimensions

  • Distance out/away from the house where the cover is attached
  • Width... Side to Side
  • Main Beam Options

    You can choose one beam or two. in some cases, two beams are necessary for wide spans or widths
  • Reinforcement

    You can add steel reinforcement within your post and beams.
  • Color Options

  • End Cut Options

  • Post / Column Options

  • Existing floor conditions

    Choose how the post will make its attachment to the floor. For cement 3.5" is the minimum. No paver attachment is allowed.
  • Attachment to building

    Will your cover attach to a flat wall, fascia, roof, or freestanding?
  • Lattice Strip Options

  • Distance between each lattice bars
  • Max. file size: 50 MB.
    3 are recommended

    Choose to have it delivered, pick up at one of the Alumawood Hubs or our facility